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Russian 4 (level A2.2)

Places: 25

State: abierto

Student Profile: This course is aimed at people over 17 years of age.

Level: A2.2

Price: € 280

Duration: 75


Understand and check information on specific and abstract topics.

Recognize the argumentative scheme of a discourse.

Locate specific information in long texts and gather pertinent information from different sources to perform a specific task.

Write instructions, job applications, curriculum vitae, short announcements to present or transmit information.

Summarize and commenton short stories, articles, talks, discussions, interviews or documentaries, and answer supplementary questions that require details.

Describe dreams, hopes and ambitions, real or imagined facts.


Lexical-semantic contents:

Activities of daily living; Human and social relations; Health and physical care; feeding; Language and communication; Science and Technology;weatherand the environment.

Syntactic contents:

Thecomplex sentence; Coordinated sentences; Subordinateclauses; Linkingwords and particles.

Pragmatic contents:

Recognize the communicative intentions and capture the main ideas, the changes of subject, the contrasts of opinions and the details of the exchange of the oral exchanges or of the written texts; Fulfill the communicative purpose withreasonableprecision; Transmit concreteinformation, highlighting what is considered most important, even in less habitual and difficult situations; Organize ideas in a coherentway, withno flashforwardsor flashbacks;

To recognize and use frequent discursive markers, as well as the intonation that indicates the different moments of the discourse (beginning, advance, classifications, enumerations, arguments, examples, emphases, reformulations, summary / conclusions, etc); Retrieve information, avoiding unintentional repetitions.

Phonological and orthographic contents:

Recognition and production of vowels, diphthongs and consonants; punctuation in direct and indirect style.


- Nogueira, V., Gorbatina, M., Mercader, C. y M. Oganissian (2004) Ruso para Hispanohablantes. Nivel 2. Barcelona: Herder

- Zajava-Nekrasova, C.E. (1993) Casos y Preposiciones en el Idioma Ruso. Madrid: Rubiños.

- Sokolova, L.V. y Guzmán Tirado, R. (1997) Leyendo a los clásicos rusos. Granada: Universidad de Granada.


Communicative activities will be planned and developedthatwillactivatethelexicon and relevant grammatical structures and that involve sociocultural knowledge and communicativestrategiesnecessaryfor the execution of the activities of understanding, production, interaction and mediation. In orderforthestudent to develophis/herability to use the language and to learnautonomously, taskswill be carriedoutconsisting in: identification of the meaning of unfamiliar words basedon personal knowledge, general meaning of the textorphrase, situation,knowledge of other languages, grammatical and lexical keys; use of the dictionary after formulating hypotheses about the meaning of unknown words; Detection of the most frequent errors and analysis of the causes and their acceptance as a necessary element in the learning process.


A continuous assessment model will be followed. Those students who have attended at least 85% of the classes and pass the final exam, will receive a Certificate of Academic Progress. The rest of the students will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon request.

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